May 30, 2009

When it rains, it pours... especially in the Himalayas.  Last week we treated ourselves to some dessert coffee from Cafe Coffee Day, a local Starbucks esk coffee shop.  Usually we study at the guesthouse, but we needed a break from the usual.  So we headed downtown [literally ‘down’ town] for a change of scenery. 

Whenever we go to town we try to use as much Hindi as possible, even though we know we can manage with simple English.  On our return trip up the hill we noticed it was getting fairly dark, especially for 4 o’clock in the afternoon.  Afternoon showers have become more regular since Monsoon season is nearing.  We knew we had to hurry, but we needed to get some fruit from our favorite Fruit Wala. 

Shortly after buying some mangos and bananas it started to rain.  So, we started to run hoping that we could get out in front of the storm and take refuge back at our own place.  Unfortunately, we didn’t get very far before we realized our efforts were hopeless.  We ran for the first awning we saw and took shelter.  Almost immediately, the store owner invited us in, asked us to take a seat, and rolled down the storefront door.  For nearly an hour, we made small talk as she patiently sifted through our broken Hindi.  We were encouraged and even surprised by how much we already know of the language, even if Amberley accidentally introduced me as her wife...

We only have one more week in the Himalayas before heading back to the big city.  M and T have found us a place to stay and we are excited to finally get settled.  Please continue to ask that we would finish strong at language school and that the transition to our new place would go well.  We continue to remain healthy and know that it is not apart from your diligence.  A wholehearted thanks.

The following photos are just a couple images of from our excursion to town last week.  


Margaret's Blog said...

I was so happy to see your post! It is wonderful to "hear" your stories and know that you are having success with the language, even in a small way. The pictures are wonderful, and they really are worth a thousand words. I love you and continue to be proud of you both- Mama

hstaab said...

So thrilled to have met you and glad I can keep track of you with your blog. Thanks for sharing! Best of luck with your secret projects and I'll be anxious to see all of your latest photos and to read your stories. Hope we run into each other again.-Harry