November 9, 2010

Week 20 gave us a scare, but here we are - week 21.
For those of you in the dark, we spent a couple of nights at the hospital last week. On Thursday evening, we were enjoying our time with the cousins. We were looking forward to a night at the Hilton, dinner and a movie, and celebrating Diwali the following day. 
As we were walking around the mall, Ams stated that she didn’t feel very well - like she had a cinder block on her belly. I suggested that she call one of our friends, who tends to be versed on most matters, to see if she had any advice. 
The friend advised us to call our doctor, just in case. We called the doctor. The doctor told us to come in. We didn’t leave for two days. 
Turns out, Ams was having contractions - most likely due to dehydration and over-exertion. After some hormone shots and an IV, all is well.
Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers. Hope you enjoy the bumpdate below.


Snyder Clan said...

Oh my goodness! So glad that Ams and baby are doing ok! We pray for you guys nearly everyday... we will continue to do so.

Margaret's Blog said...

I can't tell you how happy I am to see that smile on your beautiful face and that belly growing every month. We are so anxious for the three of you to be home. Love you.

SouthAsiaRocks said...

AWESOME pics! I love the green!! The last picture is my favorite but I always love Amberley's smiling face :) yay! Great pics! Little padfut ROCKS!

Adam SheF said...

Glad mommy and baby are doing well.