January 27, 2009

Needless to say, we are already behind.  It is only our second post and we have already proven our chosen name to be appropriate.  It isn’t like we are writing memoirs, theologizing, solving the world’s toughest math problems without a TI-83, or even making light of life’s idiosyncrasies.  We are simply filling our 8 readers in on what we have been doing.  

Thanks for your dedication, and sorry for the delay.

A lot has happened in the past 18 days.  We have been commissioned, moved to Virginia, officially become employed, settled into a quad [what?], endured an ice storm, been taken off the Homeland Security hit list, and have been incredibly humbled by our family, friends, and FBC - not that they are separate entities.

In an attempt to stay away from the cliche... ‘Thank You.’  The gifts, kind words, prayers, hugs and handshakes, e-mails, and the like have really meant a lot to us.  Moving away from home has been exciting, emotional, and [thanks to you] encouraging.  You truly have aided in making our transition painless.  

In the following days, we will begin our training sessions, continue filling out paper work, get an armful of shots, sleep very little, and hope for a break every once in a while.

As we continue to get better at keeping you informed, please continue to lift us up.  We are so proud to have you as partners, just sorry that you have to carry so much weight.  Hang in there.  

More feeble feats from the Feeble Futts are to bound come... eventually.


Katy Hill said...

We are so glad you are safe and sound in Virginia! Rest when you can and don't worry too much about blogging-we'll keep praying anyway. :) Love you both!

A Different Light said...

One of my old mentors shared some sage advice with me in college: "Part of being a servant is allowing yourself to be served."

Celebrate your blessings, but don't forget to live in the now. All of your friends understand that you have bigger fish to fry right now!

Enjoy Virginia and your next steps.