January 10, 2009

Where to begin?  I must admit, I have spent a significant amount of time deciding that I’m not quite sure where to begin.  There are a number of points I would like to address, but I don’t know that there is a best way for doing so.  Maybe I should begin with a warm welcome and an expression of gratitude for taking the time to visit our blog.  

So, welcome, we are the FeebleFutts and thanks for stopping by! 

I have never thought of myself as a ‘blogger.’ That is, neither creative nor well spoken enough to gather and produce thoughts worthy of readership.  In fact, the disclaimer notes that neither of the authors of this blog are particularly phenomenal writers and therefore you shouldn’t expect to be astounded by the works you find within.  You will however, hopefully find a witty journal, detailing the most recent chapter of our lives... of which we are quite excited.  So again, welcome to our world, please visit us often.  Our hope is that through this blog you will feel ‘linked’ and updated to what we are doing.

If you are wondering about how we stumbled across the name of this blog... well, we are too.  We spent several months ‘discussing’ an appropriate name for this site and barely came to a conclusion.  It’s not an easy task you know.  Before settling on the present name, we had gone through several others.  We wanted the title to not only be catchy, but also to give you some insight to our journey.  Included in the Futterer Blog Name Graveyard [among many others] are: beautifulfutts, therickityricshaws, and ouryatra.  There are no patents out against these names, so feel free to use them.

Because the nature of our journey entails bringing good news, the first name, beautifulfutts was created.  You see, Romans records the idea that beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news... and have good hairstylists [appropriate, right?].  In honor of my dad, I also thought it would be punny to replace the plural form of foot with futts, an abbreviation of our last name.  Because beautifulfutts sounds a little conceited, we decided to move on to other options.  

In this process, we recognized and acknowledged that there is nothing special about us, and that we are merely broken vessels, weak, and incapable of producing any good aside from our Savior.  That is, we are feeble, feeblefutts.


A Different Light said...

You know it's going to be a great blog when it takes an entire entry to describe the process of the naming of the blog itself.

Keep up the great footwork, feeble futts.

alexnstacy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
alexnstacy said...

Hey guys! Sorry... I accidently deleted our original msg. :/ Glad you made it safely. We will continue to pray for you. We're horrible about updating it, but check out our blog at alexnstacy.blogspot.com.

Onlineticketspot said...

hmmm its great blog .the name was excelent .nodoubt about it!!! its a witty journal, detailing the most recent chapter of our lives.

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Margaret's Blog said...

You rather amaze me, my dear children. You are both witty and wise as you embark on this great mission! You know you are lifted in prayer "without ceasing". This blog will be another blessing for me as a way to follow your journey. Love you-Mama

Bruce Futterer Woodcarving said...

We love you both! You are always in our thoughts and prayers! Dad and Sherrye